Bird observations for 2023

With the start of the New Year we finished the bird surveys for 2023. We unfortunately don’t have a lot of data for the spring migration, but we have a full breeding bird survey and fall migration data.
We had various skilled people assist us with the surveying under the skillful eye of Hugh McArthur. It was wonderful to have someone as experienced as Hugh to teach some of our students about birds.
The breeding bird survey revealed 59 species of birds on our property. Out of the 59 20 species have been confirmed to nest on the Hobbitstee grounds and another 18 highly probably to nest here.
During the fall migration survey 75 species where observed with the most notable one being a flyover of a Golden Eagle. Some of the highlights for me where learning we have a breeding colony of Purple Martins as well as breeding Indigo Buntings. I spotted a Scarlet Tanager in the woods and our fairly newly created tall prairie grassland had a visit from a very large flock of Eastern Bluebirds who where migrating through. Also the Wood Pewee's, Eastern Phoebes and Northern Kingbirds where notable. We documented Green heron sightings by the dozen and we have to contemplate if removing the invasive goldfish (something we are planning) from the big pond will negatvely impact the Green Herons who nest here. We need to have some more consultation on this topic before we proceed.
Bird-nerd extrodinaire Hugh will continue his survey through the winter and hopefully we'll catch spring migration this year as well. I for one can't wait to see how habitat enhancements/restoration we are planning over the next couple of years will positively impact the wild birds who call the wetlands surounding Hobbitstee home.


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