
Showing posts from November, 2024

Eastern Hemlock Wooly Adelgid update

It has been a struggle to figure our how to proceed with saving the Eastern Hemlock trees on our property. I am more than grateful to the forestry staff from the Long Point Region Conservation Authority who where on the ball and proactive with coming up with actual plans that involved doing something rather than having meetings about meetings to arrange more meetings.   They inventoried the hemlock for most of the Peacock Point Wetland Complex (with landowner permission) and subsequently made a treatment plan using established models used in Nova Scotia and parts of the US where this Wooly Adelgid has been killing Hemlock longer than here.  All the Hemlock received marks. Red and Blue dotted trees received treatment  The trees chosen for treatment are the largest and healthiest Hemlock.   We did manage to get an invasive species grant which was put towards the costs incurred by the LPRCA related to their treatment of our trees.   On June 8th ...