The Accidental Meadow

In December of 2021 Hobbitstee was able to purchase this amazing property. 47 Acres with 30 acres of woods and wetland and 17 acres workable farmland. In July of 2021 the farmer who rented the 17 workable acres took a wheat crop of the land and nothing was planted due to the pending change of ownership. We didn't do much with the land during the winter other than planning for the upcoming year. Busy with getting a temporary wildlife hospital (in the form of a 40' seacan) set up and made functional occupied a lot of my time as well as the planning and permit application process for the brand new state of the art wildlife hospital to be build as soon as the afore mentioned permits get issued. As soon as the weather got a bit nicer I lay awake at night planning the necessary outdoor wildlife enclosures that needed to be build and needed to decide on where on the 17 acres they would go. I am very visual person, so I endlessly walked that 17 acres all the while planning in my ...